Gudi Padva celebrates the start of the Hindu New Year and is celebrated on the first day of the Hindu month of Chaitra. It is viewed as one of the most auspicious days on the Indian calendar. On this day the position of the Sun is above the point of intersection of the equator, which according to the Hindu calendar marks the commencement of the Spring Season.
A ritual is to eat neem leaves on this day. To understand this specific ritual , we would try to take a small peek at the atmosphere and the seasonal changes during those time and how would those changes affect us in general . This is the beginning of the spring. The sun’s rays increase in intensity, going from mellow to hot. The body up till now was full of energy and with loss of appetite suddenly due to this change of season. Many people who have low immunity suffer with cold , cough , fever . People with history of Asthma would suddenly have bouts of those attacks during this time. Yes one day was cooler, lot nicer and suddenly it has changed .
To fight this changes here comes the custom of eating this bitter Neem. Gudi Padwa being the first day for the sun to start heating itself in the earth’s Atmosphere would be the right time to have this Neem in our body. Neem by itself is known all over the world for its Blood purifying action , immune builder. The jaggery though sweet has its own value for heating our internal system thus helping the action of this neem to work. And yes who does not want an immune builder during such times when season changes ,were the immunity by itself has been on a low tract .